Holiday break reminders!
From Lori Kinyon, director of human resources As the holiday break approaches, here is a quick reminder about how you should handle the upcoming days when the agency is closed. The last regularly scheduled work day for the Agency is Thurs., Dec. 24 . All offices will be closing early that day at 2:30 pm , and all hourly employees working that day will be excused at that time. For certified staff, Dec. 24 through Jan. 1 is a recess period (Master Contract Article XII), and you should not have any scheduled work days during that time, nor should you adjust an early out day on your last scheduled work day in December. All year round employees will need to enter appropriate leave for any days the agency is closed during the break, other than Christmas and New Year's Day as they are paid holidays. Options for leave include vacation, personal day, compensatory time, unpaid, or any combination of these in the leav...