
Showing posts from August, 2015

Welcome to a new school year!

Dr. Lane Plugge, Chief Administrator  July 1, 1975, is an important date in the history of GHAEA and the entire statewide AEA system. It was on this date that regional education in Iowa took a major step forward.      In the spring of 1974, Senate File 1163 allowed for 52 county and joint-county school systems to transform into 15 area education agencies (AEAs). On July 1, 1975, Iowa’s AEAs opened their doors and began to provide much needed services and programs that could not be offered efficiently and economically by local schools. The legislation erased the discrepancies that existed between Iowa schools. Iowa’s AEAs collaborated to improve the educational opportunities for all children.       Prior to the establishment of the AEA system, only eight percent of Iowa’s children with disabilities had educational opportunities in their home communities, and in Iowa’s general education classrooms, only 3...

A new look!

Welcome to the 2015-16 school year  and  to a new look for the  Voice , your source for news and information about GHAEA and our employees! For years, the  Voice  has been published every other week. Now, news and information can be posted as it becomes available.You'll still receive an e-mail with a link to the  Voice , but if you subscribe (see link in right hand column), you will receive e-mail alerts when a new post is added. Let me know what you think.You can post comments directly here or e-mail me at Have a great year!

Happy Birthday

9-11 Joan Finck  9-12 Marjorie Armstrong  9-12 Christine Watkins  9-15 Lori Helgevold  9-16 Stacy Buresh  9-17 Lea Ann Huckins 9-18  Paula Brownlee   9-20  Theresa Jozwiak 9-20  Roxanne Matzen 9-20  Tera Schechinger 9-20  Beth Torneten 9-21  Deb Manz 9-23  Jamie Ptacek 9-23  Kathy Hanafan 9-27  Jenna Hoesing 9-27  Melanie Van Dyke 9-28  Amanda Halstead 9-28  Marie Neve 9-30  Lucinda Denke Koll 9-30  Kim Madsen If you don't want your birth date listed in the Voice , contact Denise Fricke. 

Ready for some football?

Celebrate American Education Week and Iowa's Area Education Agencies' 40th anniversary with discounted Iowa football tickets to the Iowa vs. Minnesota game on Nov. 14 in Iowa City. Tickets are available to employees of any AEA and is being offered at no cost to the AEA system. Order tickets and more information here. 

GH Exchange

For sale:  Nebraska football tickets. Seats are on the 30 yd line in Section 609, East Stadium. Nebraska vs South Alabama, Sept.12 at 7 p.m. (two Tickets- $100); Nebraska vs Southern Mississippi, Sept. 26 at 11 a.m. (two Tickets $100). Contact  Lynn Thompson , Peterson,  For sale: Sadie, an 8-month old black golden doodle. She is a beautiful dog with a wonderful personality. She has passed two obedience classes, is spayed, has never chewed or destroyed anything and only plays with her toys. She does well in a kennel. Sadly, we have to sell her because we are moving into a condo where pets aren't allowed. We paid $500 and are asking $300. Would love for her to find a good home. Contact Pat Perkins (Red Oak), 712-215-5365 or 712-246-2235. Sadie loves watching The Dog Whisperer.  For sale : 2009 Pontiac G6, 83K, $6,500. New transmission, brakes and plugs. Car has been checked by local mechanic who gives it a clean b...


Ed and Karen Meiers (administrative assistant, Halverson) are pleased to announce the birth of their second grandchild, Remy Grace. She was born on July 30 and weighed 7 lbs., 3 oz. She joins brother Easton at home with Council Bluffs with parents Mike and Tara Meiers. Jim and Denise Young (assistive technology consultant, Halverson) welcomed granddaughter Andrea Marie Emmanuel on Aug. 12. She weighed 7 lbs., 4 oz. Tyler Boysen, son of Jim and Denise Young (assistive technology consultant, Halverson) was united in marriage to Jackie Gannon on May 2 in Omaha.

What's your number?

Have you heard? GHAEA now has one local number (712-366-0503) and one toll-free number (844-366-0503). If you list the phone number in the signature line of your GHAEA e-mail account, be sure it is listed correctly. The media department still has its own local (712-366-0203) and toll-free (800-342-7192) numbers and now,  Michelle Lidgett in the professional development office has a direct line: 712-308-7610.