Welcome to a new school year!
Dr. Lane Plugge, Chief Administrator July 1, 1975, is an important date in the history of GHAEA and the entire statewide AEA system. It was on this date that regional education in Iowa took a major step forward. In the spring of 1974, Senate File 1163 allowed for 52 county and joint-county school systems to transform into 15 area education agencies (AEAs). On July 1, 1975, Iowa’s AEAs opened their doors and began to provide much needed services and programs that could not be offered efficiently and economically by local schools. The legislation erased the discrepancies that existed between Iowa schools. Iowa’s AEAs collaborated to improve the educational opportunities for all children. Prior to the establishment of the AEA system, only eight percent of Iowa’s children with disabilities had educational opportunities in their home communities, and in Iowa’s general education classrooms, only 3...