Individual, group PD shared at spring meeting

GHAEA secretarial and support staff gathered for their spring meeting on April 28 in Glenwood. The day included group and individual professional development presentations, including a book study of Marshall Goldsmith's Triggers (pictured) with Joanie Finck, Pam Sargent, Gloria Hansen, Wendy Rodriguez and Marsha Guttau; Fetal Alcohol Syndrome by Faith Bessire and Google's Awesome Tables by Debbie Hayes. Other individual and group presentations included  Fierce Conversations, Adobe Acrobat XI Pro, a grammar quiz  and a book study on Don't Sweat the Small Stuff at Work, among others. The day was made extra special with lunch prepared by Pam Sargent and a tour of the Glenwood Regional Office. The afternoon, as always, was reserved for staff who work with IEPs. 
