
Showing posts from June, 2016

Caring for each and every child's mental health

Children's Mental Health Awareness Day was celebrated nationwide last month. This year's theme  -- . Finding Help, Finding Hope -- explored how communities can increase access to behavioral health services and supports for children, youth and young adults who experience mental or substance use disorders and their families.  Staff and students from several locals schools took part in this special event. Thanks to  Meghan Wilson , school psychologist, for sharing some photos and  a video featuring staff and students from Treynor Middle and High School . Missouri Valley CSD staff Missouri Valley CSD students Riverside Intermediate, Jr/Sr High staff Riverside Intermediate, Jr/Sr High staff Treynor Middle/High School students Riverside Jr/Sr High students

See something, say something

Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds are urging Iowans to pay attention to and report suspicious activity in the wake of recent violent acts in the United States and abroad.      The two were joined by Mark Schouten, director of the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, and Roxann Ryan, commissioner of the Iowa Department of Public Safety, to talk about the  See Something, Say Something  campaign, which is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.      “The recent mass shooting in Orlando and other violent acts have underscored the importance of being vigilant and reporting suspicious behavior,” said Branstad. “That’s why I’ve invited Commissioner Ryan and Director Schouten to talk about ways in which all Iowans can contribute to the safety of their communities, state and nation.”      The  See Something, Say Something  campaign was developed several years ago ...

Thank you

Thank you to everyone for your cards, e-mails and words of support at the time of my father’s and father-in- law’s (Emily’s grandfathers) deaths. Your kindness is appreciated more than you know! Julie Stessman and Emily Schwartz

Thank you from the Skarin family

"I want to take this moment to clumsily express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you. There has been such a wonderful outpouring of genuine enthusiasm, excitement, happiness, concern and support over these past few months. Not to mention support!  So many of you have offered advice and sympathy, shared insights and experiences, and have helped us endure through the darker moments of the past few months. Being allowed to share our excitement and joy with all of you has been immensely gratifying. Seeing our love for Lucina mirrored back at us from all of you is a wonderful feeling that I'm not sure I have words for."  Thank you from the Skarin Family -- Jonathan, Tina and Lucina 

It's a boy!

Congratulations to Darcy and Julia Hood (supervisor, media support services) on the birth of their grandson,  Travis Waldon Hensley. Travis, the son of Nathan and Courtney Hensley, was born on June 10, weighing 9 lbs., 3 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long. He joins a sister, Ava Nicole, at home. 

It's Independence Day!

The agency will be closed on Monday, July 4 , for Independence Day. Enjoy and celebrate safely!

On vacation!

Looks like the media center is operating on a skeleton crew this summer! Thanks to Steve Martin  (van driver) for sharing this photo. For our staff who are off contract during the summer or simply taking a brief vacation, we hope it brings you more enjoyment than this poor fellow is experiencing! 

Discover the joys of summer

If you find yourself in a rut this summer and are looking for new ways to have fun, here are 50 ways to make the most out of your summer from Experience Life , the no-gimmick, no-hype, health and fitness magazine. 

July birthdays

Carole Cherne 7/2 Melody Osbahr  7/4 Colleen Dupuis  7/5 Kelly Gerhardt  7/5 Angelia Shindelar  7/6 Donna Dannar  7/8 Katherine Bergansen  7/9 Eric Doty  7/10 Keri Jahnke  7/10 Sandy Williams  7/10 Pam Elwood  7/11 Judy Griffin  7/11 Lynn Hockenberry  7/12 Hilary Brummer  7/13 Laureen Peterson  7/13 Lois Schreur  7/13 Julie Stessman  7/14 Amanda Arkfeld  7/17 Lea Ann Schnack  7/17 Catelyn Newman  7/18 Carissa Otto  7/18 Michelle Mullenix  7/19 Ruth Rust  7/19 Brooke Dornack  7/20 Murray Fenn  7/20 Shawna Fletcher  7/21 Lisa Magneson  7/21 Angela Mittan  7/22 Lesley Ehlers  7/26 Connie Terry  7/26 Sandra Sickels  7/27 Meta Trailer  7/28 Connie Richardson  7/28 Jill Clayton  7/29 Molly Ternus  7/30 Jennifer Seuntjens  7/31

July service anniversaries

Theresa Bush  7/12/1994 Andrea Danker  7/30/2008 Murray Fenn  7/6/2009 Lynn Hockenberry  7/5/2004 Mary Korver  7/20/2010 Cheryl Mulligan  7/24/2006 Nancy Nelson  7/27/1998 Lane Plugge  7/1/2010 Jamie Reid  7/14/1975 Susan Rensch  7/1/2004 Jennifer Seuntjens  7/5/2000 Julie Stessman  7/1/1998 Beth Torneten  7/1/1998 Kathryn Wells  7/20/2010

Have you ordered your agency calendar yet?

If you haven't ordered an agency calendar or business cards yet, it's not too late. The Copy Center is open all summer and can get your copy work done and ready before school starts. Contact Elena Anson or Sheryl Bald . 

Your voice is being heard!

Thank you to staff who submitted comments or questions this year, through either a comment box or the online form . Be assured that your voice is being heard. If the comment/question pertained to a specific office, it was forwarded to the appropriate regional administrator or supervisor. If it was an agency-wide comment/question, it was reviewed by the agency's executive council. Keep in mind that all submissions are anonymous unless you provide your name. Below are recent comments and responses.  1 . I would like to see the number of sick days I have accumulated printed on my paycheck or somewhere where I can access it. I have a guess of what it is, but don’t know where I can check it.  Response : Staff can view the number of sick days, vacation days and amended days they have through the agency's leave system. Check with your secretary if you have questions about how to do this. 2 . I would like to have my mileage receipt emailed to me. I don’t need it printed and mail...

Staff say farewell to 2015-16 and hello summer!

Hard to believe another school year has come and gone! Be sure to keep an eye on your GHAEA e-mail for Voice updates during the summer.  See how our offices celebrated the end of the school year, along with photos of service awards and retirement recognitions . 

Thank you for your service!

Green Hills AEA wishes this year's retirees all the best. Thank you for your years of service to the AEA! David Henry, Council Bluffs, 24 years Deb Johnsen, Missouri Valley, 8 years  Jan Norgaard, Avoca/Missouri Valley, 16 years Sallie Lund, Red Oak, 30 years Jackie Luther, Creston, 35 years Cindy Denke Koll, Atlantic, 36 years Pat Perkins, Red Oak, 20 years Paula Brownlee, Red Oak, 5 years

Staff gain knowledge, information from Autism Navigator training

L-r: Nancy Boswell, Wendy Wager Trotter, Michelle Hicks,  Michele Harrison, Denise Matson, Beth Torneten,  Dr. Amy Wetherby, Dr. Juliann Woods Several GHAEA staff attended Autism Navigator training on May 25 at Grant Wood AEA, Cedar Rapids.        Autism Navigator (AN) was developed at Florida State University and is the brain child of Dr. Juliann Woods and Dr. Amy Wetherby who lead the workshop and discussion, said Michelle Hicks (speech-language pathologist, Creston).      Autism Navigator is a unique collection of web-based tools  and courses developed to bridge the gap between science and  community practice. Each tool is designed to increase the  capacity of health care providers, early intervention provid ers, educators, and families to improve outcomes of young  children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.      "Wendy Trotter, Autism education program consultant, Iowa DE, was instrumental i...

Service anniversaries, 2015-16

30 Years Becca Boswell, Osceola Dennis LaMasters, Creston Sallie Lund, Red Oak 25 Years Cherry Hansen, Council Bluffs Lora Hight, Creston Lori Kinyon, Creston Ron Russell, Atlantic Linda Streicher, Red Oak 20 Years Jenny Bakkerud, Council Bluffs Nancy Boswell, Osceola Ellen Dosen, Glenwood Pat Perkins, Red Oak Julie Williams, Council Bluffs 15 Years Maryann Angeroth, Glenwood Eunice Bohanan, Creston Jennifer Christensen, Missouri Valley Pam Elwood, Atlantic Melanie Freund, Missouri Valley Sarah Girres, Council Bluffs Paula Godwin, Creston Amber Johnson, Council Bluffs Michelle Lidgett, Halverson Sarah Matulka, Council Bluffs Angie Williams, Missouri Valley Margaret Woodruff, Glenwood 10 Years Wendy Aanonson, Osceola Sandi Burk, Glenwood Billie Jo Clausen, Missouri Valley Leslie Dickinson, Missouri Valley Brooke Dornack, Creston Shawna Fletcher, Creston Valerie Giegerich, Atlantic Connie Hiatt, Council Bluffs Lisa Honig, Council Bluffs Keri Jah...

June service anniversaries

Debra Manz, Avoca . . . June 5, 2000 Patricia Perkins, Red Oak . . . June 25, 1996

Happy birthday

6-5  . . . Steve McPhillips 6-5  . . . Julia Hood 6-8  . . . Nancy Nelson 6-13 . . . Sarah Esser 6-15  . . . Kari Olson 6-16  . . . Angela Williams 6-16  . . . Lynsi Perkins 6-18  . . . Patrick Rabbitt 6-18  . . . Lynn Thompson 6-19  . . .Cynthia Juhl 6-20  . . . Staci Emerton 6-20  . . .Joanne Farmer 6-21  . . .Maureen Lonsdale 6-26  . . . Meagan Ross 6-27  . . . Nancy Sudmann 6-27  . . . Julie Williams 6-27  . . . Meghan Wilson 6-29  . . .Mary Dick 6-30  . . . Linda Streicher