Your voice is being heard!

Thank you to staff who submitted comments or questions this year, through either a comment box or the online form. Be assured that your voice is being heard. If the comment/question pertained to a specific office, it was forwarded to the appropriate regional administrator or supervisor. If it was an agency-wide comment/question, it was reviewed by the agency's executive council. Keep in mind that all submissions are anonymous unless you provide your name. Below are recent comments and responses. 

1. I would like to see the number of sick days I have accumulated printed on my paycheck or somewhere where I can access it. I have a guess of what it is, but don’t know where I can check it. 
Response: Staff can view the number of sick days, vacation days and amended days they have through the agency's leave system. Check with your secretary if you have questions about how to do this.

2. I would like to have my mileage receipt emailed to me. I don’t need it printed and mailed to my home, wasting paper and stamps.
Response: Expense receipts are e-mailed for direct deposit reimbursement checks only. The following e-mail was sent to staff on March 29. Contact Wendy Rodriguez for more information. 
The Business Office is implementing a new feature to e-mail the direct deposit stub versus U.S. mailing the stub for travel /other expenses effective with the April Board Meeting.  If you currently have direct deposit for travel/other expenses then you would just need to let me know if you wish the stub to be e-mailed.  If you currently receive a regular check and would like to change to direct deposit then just fill out the attached form and return it to me, with a voided check attached, no later than Friday, April 15 for it to be effective for the April 26 reimbursement. Please note that you may change to the direct deposit with e-mail option at any time.

3. Have we ever considered name badges that have a magnetic back that could hook onto the upper chest? People cannot read our badges.
Response: The agency provides both lanyards and clips for ID badges. The clip is the best option for displaying an ID badge higher on the body as it can clip to a pocket or collar. Clips can be requested through Elena Anson or Cindy Wohlenhaus.

4. One concern is the AEA hiring processes. Seems like we lost some good people because we weren’t quick enough in our decision making process.
Response: We are sensitive to timelines for hiring personnel. We make hiring decisions as quickly as we can, ensuring we do our due diligence in checking references, etc. We also make sure we follow internal timelines, such as offering for internal transfer first.

5. Please stop passing around collection envelopes with names on them. This isn’t a church and we shouldn’t be asked to give money for every unfortunate event in someone’s life. It feels like we’re being forced to give every time. I have heard others say this as well.
Response: Envelopes that are circulated for contributions are at the discretion of each office. Donations are voluntary and no employee should ever feel pressured to donate. It is a best practice to notify staff ahead of time to let them know an envelope is being circulated, the purpose of the donation collection and how the money will be directed. If an employee has concerns regarding the manner in which such things are handled at his/her office, that employee is encouraged to visit with their supervisor.

6. I received an email regarding our end of year celebration, at the bottom of the announcement listed participants of the Halverson/CBRO Social Committee. I didn’t even know we had a social committee. In all the years I have worked for the agency, I have never been asked to be on any committee or event planning group. Before CBRO arrives, the same Halverson names were listed for every event planning group. It was nice to see a few more people added to this list and would be even better if that could keep happening. Everyone has something to offer and everyone should have the opportunity to be involved when it comes to event planning. Thank you.
Response: The agency encourages all employees to be involved with planning office events. Those who are interested in helping plan events in their regional office should check with their regional administrator, supervisor and/or administrative secretary.

7. How come it's okay for some staff to wear jeans and others not?
Response: Staff are expected to dress in accordance with the environment they will be working in on any given day. If an employee is working in a school building where business casual or something similar is expected, that is how they should dress as well. Some agency staff are allowed to wear jeans when working in student homes.
