Singing the praises of career and technical education

Nathan, Isaac, Cyle Forney (principal,
Tucker Career & College Center), Cailey
and Jordan at the Feb. 28 CBCSD
board meeting. 
Isaac Lidgett, son of Larry and Michelle Lidgett (licensure assistant/registrar, Halverson), was among four students who were invited to present to the Council Bluffs CSD board on Feb. 28. Their presentation focused on opportunities offered in the district's Career & Technical Education program. Isaac, a junior at Abraham Lincoln, and Nathan Fleury, Thomas Jefferson, presented on the fabrication and welding engineering class. Cailey Hartenhoff, Abraham Lincoln, and Jordan McAlpine, Thomas Jefferson, spoke about the sports and entertainment broadcasting class. The presentation was part of National Career and Technical Education Month observances. These students are gaining valuable skills and experiences for their future careers, which is one avenue Isaac is considering upon graduation. 
