Best wishes to our retirees
Nancy Amdor, special education consultant Carole Cherne, speech-language pathologist Laura Danforth, speech-language pathologist Mark Draper, regional administrator/director of special education Denise Fricke, communications specialist Edie Goodwin, physical therapist Jean Kent, speech-language pathology assistant Dennis LaMasters, microcomputer/network specialist Jody Madsen, speech-language pathologist Deb Manz, administrative secretary Carol McMahon-Kain, speech-language pathologist Stacy McWilliams, early childhood specialist Roy Medina, speech-language pathologist Karen Meiers, administrative secretary Barb Nelson, speech-language pathologist Harva Paul, school psychologist Renee Prochaska-Keenan, special education consultant Connie Richardson, school improvement consultant Pam Sargent, administrative secretary Patricia Schliesman, speech-language pathologist Melanie Thomas, audiometrist Meta Trailer, audiometrist Cindy Unger, math consultant Janis Wanke, sp...