In case you have yet to notice, today is the notorious Friday the 13th. For centuries, people have been filled with horror at the mention of this particular date, or even the number 13 itself. Hotels often opt to skip the 13th story of their buildings, many refuse to travel or undergo surgery on this date, and many airports do not have a 13th gate. Some believe that this superstition stemmed from a biblical history. The 13th is said to be the day that Eve bit into the Forbidden Fruit, the beginning of the Great Flood, and also the number of guests at the Last Supper before Jesus was killed on Friday. Although, throughout history several other tragedies including the fall of the Aztec Empire (1521), the Uganda rugby team plane crash (1972), and the death of a 13 year old boy stuck by lightning at 13:13 military time (2010) all occurred on the 13th of the month. Some believe that the number 13 got its bad rap due to number twelve's historic representation of completeness (12 hours on...