United Way Campaign

Our agency United Way campaign will be ending on November 30th. If you would like to donate, you can use this one-time link or fill out a designation form (for payroll deduction and designation options) and return it to Devin Laughlin at the Halverson Center or e-mail me 

What your dollars can do:
$1/Paycheck (one vending machine snack/drink) = 2 field trips for a youth group, one pediatric oral exam, provide a drivers' license, state ID, or birth certificate to someone that needs employment, one student to take the ACT
$2/Paycheck (one Redbox rental) = 2 round trips of wheelchair van medical transportation, school supplies for one student for the academic year, childcare for a mother participating in ESL classes for 8 weeks
$4/Paycheck (one large coffee) = 5 hours of interpretation services for a client in need of services, medical help, or legal counseling, Prevent a utility shut off for a family during the cold winter months, 10 clients with a support group session
$20/Month (one trip to the movies) = Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for 30 families, 3 individuals to acquire manual wheelchairs, 50 ninth grade students to participate in job-shadowing experience
$40/Month (dinner for two) = 17 GED/High School Equivalency Test fees, one year of lunches for a high school student, 5 therapy session for a child struggling with depression, 25 hours of tutoring sessions for teens who are academically behind
