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Meet Jenna, Melissa, Marcy and Amy!
Jenna Hucka |
Jenna Hucka (literacy consultant, Avoca) says she "loves literacy and helping children crack the code to reading." She and husband, Todd, an insurance agent, have a daughter, Priya. Jenna enjoys attending Harlan sporting events, Iowa Hawkeyes, baking and walking. She has fond memories of family vacations in Okoboji.
Melissa Lassek |
Melissa (Missy) Lassek, school based interventionist, CBRO, says the best part about her job is working with at risk youth. She enjoys fishing and hunting and just being anywhere in the "peaceful outdoors." She has two boys, two cats, two dogs and two hamsters -- "we do everything in pairs, like Noah!" Her favorite actor is Alan Alda and George Strait is a favorite musical artist.
Marcy Marvin |
Marcy Marvin, speech-language pathologist, Creston, is from Sioux Center. Husband, Waylon, works at Mueller's in Osceola. She has two sons, Jared (Madison) and Braden, and stepchildren Matt and Melanie. Marcy enjoys working with children and helping them become better communicators. She enjoys family time, gardening and music. She would love to vacation anywhere warn and tropical!
Amy Mendoza (teacher associate, CBRO) is from Broken Bow, NE. She and husband, Patrick, have five children: Nic, Daniel, Kelsey, Brooke and Alex. She enjoys helping others, spending time with friends and being outdoors. A memorable trip was to Canada.
Amy Mendoza |
Read more about these and other staff in Getting to Know You. Up next: Dan Merriam, Trisha Payne and Jasmine Perdue.
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