Iowa's AEAs Print Services

  Iowa's AEAs Chief Administrators recently addressed the topic of increased collaboration around print services. In reviewing the current data collected along with data collected from previous studies, there was consensus around the notion of moving forward. What does “moving forward” look like?

  • Developing a common catalog of products and services that all LEAs have access to
  • Developing a common pricing structure for products and services
  • Pilot partnerships are being explored to begin working through the challenges of collaboration
  • The development of a steering committee comprised of representatives from the Chief Administrators, Media Directors, and Chief Financial Officers.

What won’t happen as we move forward?

  • Moving ahead does not mean the abandonment of individual AEA print shops. The model that seems to make the most sense relies on a print shop in each AEA offering a base level of services. 
  • An abrupt disruption of equipment contracts, staffing or operations in any shop. The term “flexible onboarding” has been used to demonstrate that consideration for attrition, contracts, etc. will be primary where efficiencies are identified.
