NEW Green Hills AEA Lanyards

Green Hills AEA employee badges are out and about! If you have not received your new badge, please contact Jamie Reid. If you have not updated your staff photo, please contact Devin Laughlin.

A topic brought up in several staff chats was low community awareness of Green Hills AEA. The vibrant green lanyards are just one way we can help increase awareness by being visible and identifiable while serving in homes, schools and offices. The lanyards also help to ensure security and safety to all employees, visitors and those we serve.

Green Hills AEA staff are encouraged to wear their new green lanyards and badges, however it is understood that there are certain situations where that may not be conducive. To the best of your ability, please help Green Hills AEA get its face out there to help ensure all children, families and educators are aware that we are here to support every child in southwest Iowa in achieving a successful future.
